Thursday, October 25, 2007

OK, I'm tagged.

Four jobs I've had:
Paper route in New Hampshire
Custodial at BYU (twice)
Research Analyst at Family History Services
Chief Deputy Assessor

Places I've lived:
Mill Valley, CA
Izmir, Turkey
Portsmouth, NH
Provo/Orem, UT

Movies I love:
Man for All Seasons
The Dickens set

Favorite Foods:
Barbecued ribs

Favorite Music/Rock bands:
Beethoven symphonies
Brahms symphonies
Igneous and Sedimentary (the latter has the best bands)

One Superpower:
To be quiet and create

Four weird things about me:
The name "Claude"
I'm not into sports.
Can't keep my office uncluttered.
I know how to TimeSert a Northstar engine.

Favorite shows:
Nothing current. I told the Dish salesman that we are trying to keep as much TV out of our house as possible. Ended that call in a hurry.

Places I'd rather be: (actually, places I'd like to be and come back. I'd rather be at home.)
Portsmouth, NH
Anywhere in the Caribbean
Holy Land/Egypt
Australia/New Zealand

People I'm tagging:
Cynthia V Richards
Cynthia C Richards
Amy Tolk
Weston Ricks

I love you all. You're the best!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The airplane above is one of only about 15 surviving B-47's from the the Cold War Era. While there are still lots of B-52's in the boneyard in Tucson, the only B-47's are in museums and many are in very bad shape. Hill Air Force Base Aerospace Museum recently acquired one.
I grew up at Pease Air Force Base in Portsmouth, New Hampshire where there must have been nearly a hundred of these planes.